Jul 29Liked by 🅟🅐🅤🅛 🅜🅐🅒🅚🅞

"Salt is the only rock we eat?" Pardon my leche, but I've been enjoying quartz of milk for decades!

Not to be outdone in the irony department (fire hydrant patent lost in fire), little-known factoid? The patent for the bucket was lost in a sinking boat. 😁👍

Chuck Connors, as it happens, was not only in the NBA, he's one of only 13 athletes to play in BOTH the NBA and MLB (Major League Baseball).

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Yeah, but you drink quartz of milk. You eat Pebbles cereal. I know, being a cereal entrepreneur with 348 boxes of Froot Loops in the garage...

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Pebbles....yes! These fascinating blind-mowing-facts articles are not only favorites around the Kyle compound, but they're a great work-out for me to practice the kind of situational/conceptual comedy writing I used to do quite often in several different work arenas in my life.

Most recently, I wrote for long-gone comedy website, Corduroy Galaxy, several friends and I had around the turn of the century! Thanks, Paul, for your generosity in letting me use your page for these occasional work-outs!

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I just read your comment about "blind mowing facts" and I LOL'ed. Did you know that some people add a roller at the back of their mower to enhance "stripes" in the lawn? Runt Fro and Stack Age with BK.

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Sep 3Liked by 🅟🅐🅤🅛 🅜🅐🅒🅚🅞

Which reminds me of a Dad-ism from the '60s....We'd ask Dad a question like, "Dad, do you know some people add a roller at the back of their mower to enhance stripes in the lawn?".......and, he'd reply, "No, but if you hum a few bars, I'll fake it!"

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Hmmm, Hmmm, Snickers, Hersheys, Mounds, Milky way.Hmmm, Hmmm!

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Sep 3Liked by 🅟🅐🅤🅛 🅜🅐🅒🅚🅞

Another one from Dad.........With the chocolate bars (and their makers) in mind, he'd call Peter, Paul & Mary.....Peter Paul & Mounds! My brother and I certainly had a giggle-fest of a childhood!

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Over the years I’ve heard butt size blamed on many things, but never ‘it’s to do with how I walk’ 😂

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Jul 29Liked by 🅟🅐🅤🅛 🅜🅐🅒🅚🅞

Only because you’re making me choose: ‘The patent for the fire hydrant was lost in a fire.’ Can’t resist historical ironies, never ever.

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"the Great Patent Office Fire of 1836". Thanks, Bree!

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Jul 29Liked by 🅟🅐🅤🅛 🅜🅐🅒🅚🅞

I spent a few moments trying to imagine a penguin jumping 9 feet. 🤯

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Me too. LOL. Thanks for commenting, Suzanne!

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Jul 29Liked by 🅟🅐🅤🅛 🅜🅐🅒🅚🅞

If a penguin could palm a basketball, there are several NBA teams who could use a decent polar forward coming off the bench.

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LOL, The penguins play hockey…

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Jul 29Liked by 🅟🅐🅤🅛 🅜🅐🅒🅚🅞

Silly me........so THAT's why I'm not a sports agent!

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I know you are a big athletic supporter, Brad.

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You don't know the half of it!

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Jul 29Liked by 🅟🅐🅤🅛 🅜🅐🅒🅚🅞

If only evolution could work faster.

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Jul 29Liked by 🅟🅐🅤🅛 🅜🅐🅒🅚🅞

Having just flown home from Lisbon I'm fascinated (and scared!) about that flight that glided to its landing from Toronto!

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Hope you had a great trip! re: glide - I think it's good to know it can be done. Hopefully not required though...

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Jul 29Liked by 🅟🅐🅤🅛 🅜🅐🅒🅚🅞

Writing stuff down helps you remember. I do it all the time and needed that confirmation!

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Our teachers were right all along...

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Jul 29Liked by 🅟🅐🅤🅛 🅜🅐🅒🅚🅞

The human butt fact needs a caveat, Paul ...

The gluteus maximus mysteriously disappears as the human male ages. Today when I sit down my spine and legs are at a perfect 90-degree angle. No padding. I don't know what happened, but my ass has disappeared.

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I'll just add to the end of the snippet - "except for Jim Geschke's ass".


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Jul 30Liked by 🅟🅐🅤🅛 🅜🅐🅒🅚🅞

...olympics needs to add a penguin high jump...

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Curious Mind Blowing Fact from the Future: "We learned today that in the men's high jump event Canada dressed up a penguin to jump for their country. The penguin was found out when an olympic official caught the penguin eating pails of fish in the dressing room". How embarrassing...

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Jul 30Liked by 🅟🅐🅤🅛 🅜🅐🅒🅚🅞

I wonder if the 'fact' about human butts takes into account the oversized, much-touted Kardashian butt -

my fave is the fire one - the patent for the fire hydrant lost in a fire - tho, so ironic!

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Ha, yeah KK has been the butt of some jokes, as well as facts. I think the long glide is pretty impressive. Thanks, Angela.

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Jul 29Liked by 🅟🅐🅤🅛 🅜🅐🅒🅚🅞

We eat a fair bit of gypsum too…. (can’t think of a ‘pun’ way to say that, but it’s true…..)

I love the segue (probably unconscious?) at the beginning of the list …. 😉

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You are correct (are you ever not?) about eating gypsum rock! Good catch. You should be an editor. LOL...The 2 top snippets were placed intentionally. I very rarely move them around, but had to for those. And if they comment, I will remove these facts from the newsletter. Fat chance, eh?

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Jul 29Liked by 🅟🅐🅤🅛 🅜🅐🅒🅚🅞

Well done, you! 😊 Fat chance.. slim chance…

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Jul 29Liked by 🅟🅐🅤🅛 🅜🅐🅒🅚🅞

I'm new to Substack, but I'm not gonna leave! I love the interesting facts, and I plan to wow friends with them--one trivia tidbit at a time; otherwise, they would tell me to bug off. Today it will be about rock salt. Thank you, Paul!

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Welcome Judy! Thanks for participating by commenting. I hope you enjoy what Substack gives you back. Here is a newcomer's guide to give you a head start, when you're ready: https://pau1.substack.com/p/start

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