What is the benefit of this and if there is no way to do SEO?

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Hi Rebecca: When you hook up the Google Analytics properties to your website, it let's Google know that you want your site/posts to rank - meaning when someone searches for "Substack welcome email" (or whatever term you want people to search for) your article is in one of the top positions on the first page of Google search.

Google moves your website higher in it's rankings when you optimize it for search. See how to add SEO while writing posts easily and free here:


This means that people will go to your website, and if they like the content, you will get new subscribers. If you are charging a subscription for people to read your newsletter, you make money.

Or if you have an e-commerce store that people search for on Google, you make money when they buy.

Hooking up this Google suite of products is free. Money for nothin' and your clicks for free. I've made my living for the past 25 years selling on the internet, using SEO. I'm retired now, and I offer my advice and consulting for free. But if you can learn this stuff, you will never be without work.

Read this article next and do some of this as you write your newsletters: https://pau1.substack.com/p/6-steps-for-more-substack-subscribers

Hope that answers your questions. Good luck to you, and thanks for the comments!

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There is a lack of information here on how the UA was with the change to GA4

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one question i had is.. has this helped you? And how?

i'm torn about whether to do this.. just not sure how it is gonna change what i actually do on substack

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Hey Ken. When you hook up the Google Analytics properties to your website, it let's Google know that you want your site/posts to rank - meaning when someone searches for "Substack welcome email" (or whatever term you want people to search for) your article is in one of the top positions on the first page of Google search.

Google moves your website higher in it's rankings when you optimize it for search. (See how, easily and free here:


This means that people will go to your website, and if they like the content, you will get new subscribers. If you are charging a subscription for people to read your newsletter, you make money.

Or if you have an e-commerce store that people search for on Google, you make money when they buy.

Hooking up this Google suite of products is free. Money for nothin' and your clicks for free. I've made my living for the past 25 years selling on the internet, using SEO. I'm retired now, and I offer my advice and consulting for free. But if you can learn this stuff, you will never be without work.

Read this article next and do some of this as you write your newsletters: https://pau1.substack.com/p/6-steps-for-more-substack-subscribers

Hope that answers your questions. Good luck to you, and thanks for the comments!

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Your measurement ID in he tutorial above and the placeholder measurement ID on Substack both start with GTM-XXX, but mine just starts G-XXX. Any idea why?

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That number is your analytics number. What does a Google Analytics ID look like?

The measurement ID format is G-XXXXXXX, and it identifies which data stream is sending data to your GA4 property. If you have set up a GA4 property with a web data stream, your Google Analytics measurement ID begins with the characters' G-'

(good article: https://www.analyticsmania.com/post/google-tag-manager-vs-google-analytics/)

What is GTM ID?

The part of the GTM container tag code which reads 'GTM-TXAAA', is called the container ID. This ID is used to uniquely identify each GTM container tag. You can see the GTM container ID on the home page of Google Tag Manager: https://tagmanager.google.com/#/home.

I've had analytics and tag manager for years, and these programs change all the time. If you have a specific question, a google search usually answers those questions. Good luck to you!

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Ok, thank you πŸ™

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Is the β€œProperty Name” your URL?

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Thank you!

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That number is your analytics number. What does a Google Analytics ID look like?

Image result for google. analytics number

The measurement ID format is G-XXXXXXX, and it identifies which data stream is sending data to your GA4 property. If you have set up a GA4 property with a web data stream, your Google Analytics measurement ID begins with the characters' G-'

(good article: https://www.analyticsmania.com/post/google-tag-manager-vs-google-analytics/)

What is GTM ID?

The part of the GTM container tag code which reads 'GTM-TXAAA', is called the container ID. This ID is used to uniquely identify each GTM container tag. You can see the GTM container ID on the home page of Google Tag Manager: https://tagmanager.google.com/#/home.

I've had analytics and tag manager for years, and these programs change all the time. If you have a specific question, a google search usually answers those questions. Good luck to you!

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May 8, 2023Edited
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Sorry the instructions are not clear. Add the tracking code to your website: In Substack go to Dashboard > Settings > Advertising analytics . Put the code in where it says Google Analytics Pixel. See above in article at #5 of instructions.

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