wow - I just learned more about this subject in a few minutes than I think I knew at all before.

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Very interesting, Paul. I hadn't thought about the discoverability aspect.

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Thanks for this. Difficult to know what to do.

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As much as Google produces a bad taste in my mouth, Google search does boost my newsletter brand.

Applying their Chat function works pretty well for me, however. I'm torn.

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Very informative - I plan to follow your lead - at least now it is a conscious choice.

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So far, we have the choice, yes.

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But you are saying - we may not always - good point.

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...thanks Paul...odd that the default from Substack is an opt in...also odd that either company even gives an option though...

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Hey Paul - I think I'll follow your lead and leave it unchecked. Thanks!

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A few weeks back I wrote about this on Medium. However you added some interesting pointers. Where do I see the Google listing and where would I see the Bing listing? Do you have a bakcgroutin this field? I'm asking because I'm looking for an interview partner for an upcoming video

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Hi Kristina. I was referring to the Substack Settings (https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/w_1456,c_limit,f_webp,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fsubstack-post-media.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2Fa94a968c-1938-44bd-9057-f5cf454b7854_1638x1090.png). Eventually Substack will have an entry fill in for Bing.

I owe my working careers to Marketing, SEO, Copywriting, Website Development and such.

Tell me about your upcoming video. Sounds interesting!

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