Good one Paul! That real time Google reviews stuff reminds me of twitter boards early on for live reactions at events. I’ve wired up Google reviews on some of my small biz websites … interesting! That mountain pass clip reminded me of Sorcerer and Tangerine Dream https://youtu.be/aTrNtrIQVdo

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Thanks, Andrew! I wouldn't go on that road for all the tea in China. Wait, there's no T in China.

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The mountain pass clip gives me horror flashbacks of the Corniche in the south of France. Worst experience of my life!

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You had me at Corniche! Wait, that's not a pastry?

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It's not a baby cucumber, either!😉

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…as if i wasn’t already envious of his staccato cadence and wonderful dancing now i wallow in the shine of christoper walken thriving sans the devil’s box i hold in my hand…

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beautiful sentence. More cowbell.

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'The banana benchmark'....

I had never heard of that until last week. Now the second time in a few days!

(The size of of some Queensland bananas would make that TV look 'pocket size') 😉

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Great example of the Baader–Meinhof phenomenon. (I think).

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You’re right. And maybe that ‘Banana-as-art’ taped to the wall a while back perked up my banana radar 😊

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Loved this list, great read! And FWIW, Paris Hilton used her “famous for being famous” to catapult herself into a business media maven. Last year her perfume co made $2.5B and people pay her $1MM to DJ at their parties. She’s appeared in 5 tv series, 3 documentaries, 2 movies, written 3 books, released 2 albums and over 30 singles, and hosts a podcast. Not to mention her activism in protecting troubled teens from physical and emotional abuse, which she suffered at a boarding school. She convinced Congress to pass a law to protect kids in schools for troubled teens. I mention all this because the public tends to ignore her accomplishments, including me up until a couple of years ago when I found out about her DJ career. Color me impressed with the 44 year old 🙂

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She is a really cool person, thanks Thea!

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