
And doesn’t the dark and stormy Desiree make you squirm just a little?

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Some of the others make me squirm too...but right up my alley. I may have a humour problem. I think the Stanley Ruddlethorp sentence is very funny, and a bit morbid - yes. But so perfect.

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I’ve been asked to β€˜edit’ passages worse (better?) than the Stanley R piece. Done deliberately, it’s genius…

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It's fun to go through some of the archives. Some are truly genius. Lots of puns too.

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ugh! vomitorium!

but I had to guffaw at "...fight my lyre!"

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God, it is so hard to write humor. Maybe I do so by accident? πŸ˜•

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"Come on, baby, fight my lyre!" - Oh, Jeez! Hilarious. I can write bad opening lines. But they aren't on purpose.πŸ€” Thanks for the great start to my day!

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These are so bad, they hit me like an Acme anvil dropped from a cliff by a cartoon coyote.

I could get stuck reading these for days. Thanks Paul.

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….what a great reminder of a truly amazing contest…i could read bad sentences all day (opens substack notes…proceeds to do just that)…

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The one about Myers-Briggs and Rorshach is funny. The rest of them are pretty creepy! Thanks for sharing! I now have so many ways NOT to start my novel.

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I think I have a strange sense of humor.

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