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About our Team: It’s just a guy named Paul.
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NOTE: Many of the posts in my Substack articles are β€˜Living Documents”. I change, update, add supplementary information as I learn more, and/or when changes occur with the original information.

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On Monday the Deplatformable Newsletter goes directly to your inbox. Lately I have been working on a β€œCuriosity Engineβ€œ named Curious Mind Blowing Facts. On most Tuesdays and Fridays I send you β€œOne Thingβ€œ.

The serialized Illustrated book β€œFrankensteinβ€œ has had it’s first run of 28 Chapters including 4 letters, and one map of all the travels. This entire book lives here, and may be sent out via e-mail again.

Some weeks there are bonus issues published on the website.

Here is a living index of β€œAll the Articlesβ€œ. The Substack hacks, and the Marketing stuff is at

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Join our newsletter for Marketing Tips, Stackhacks, and Fun Curious Factoids! Not the worst way to spend a couple of minutes today. Seen more than half a million times.


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