
Research with Twitter Lists for Newsletter Writers

A different way to research topics and synthesize current news

What are we doing today?

Twitter has a feature that should be more popular than it is. It’s called a Twitter list. It is a list that you curate yourself. I add the leaders in a particular subject or topic to a list. Then you have a timeline of current tweets in that particular field.

Imagine just a clean page with the most recent and relevant articles, links, videos for you to aggregate and use for research. Some of the lists I have made provide info about:

Here is an example of a SEO (search engine optimization list) I made and host at: https://linkjuice.ca/

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It is an uncluttered timeline of research information to put together for your writing.

How to make?

  • Find a Twitter List: https://twitter.com/paulmacko/lists

  • From any Twitter user’s web address, just add a /lists at the end of the url

  • Make your own lists: https://help.twitter.com/en/using-twitter/twitter-lists --You can build your Twitter list with your phone or desktop.

  • A lot of people have lists. I find if you Google “best ‘keyword here’ twitter lists”, you can get some pretty good lists already made about most popular topics.

  • Next go to https://publish.twitter.com

  • Paste the list URL (that ends with /lists) into the embed bar. You can use anybody’s list, if you find one you like out in the Twitter wild.

  • Hit enter, and voila!

The video at the top of this page walks you through it. At this point you can bookmark the url to use as a resource for your writing.

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