What are we doing today?
Twitter has a feature that should be more popular than it is. It’s called a Twitter list. It is a list that you curate yourself. I add the leaders in a particular subject or topic to a list. Then you have a timeline of current tweets in that particular field.
Imagine just a clean page with the most recent and relevant articles, links, videos for you to aggregate and use for research. Some of the lists I have made provide info about:
Here is an example of a SEO (search engine optimization list) I made and host at: https://linkjuice.ca/
It is an uncluttered timeline of research information to put together for your writing.
How to make?
Find a Twitter List: https://twitter.com/paulmacko/lists
From any Twitter user’s web address, just add a /lists at the end of the url
Make your own lists: https://help.twitter.com/en/using-twitter/twitter-lists --You can build your Twitter list with your phone or desktop.
A lot of people have lists. I find if you Google “best ‘keyword here’ twitter lists”, you can get some pretty good lists already made about most popular topics.
Next go to https://publish.twitter.com
Paste the list URL (that ends with /lists) into the embed bar. You can use anybody’s list, if you find one you like out in the Twitter wild.
Hit enter, and voila!
The video at the top of this page walks you through it. At this point you can bookmark the url to use as a resource for your writing.
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